Bolt tightening torques table

Overview of recommended bolt tightening torques - table.
The value of the recommended tightening torque shows the strength value for the bolt in question, regardless of the other components of the connection.
The question is which tool can be used to achieve the required tightening torque, here the required precision or further processing of the tightening data is the essential factor.
The lowest precision is achieved by impact tighteners, if we can talk about precision at all. They serve rather for fast pre-stretching of the connection /at high torques.
The next level are pulse pneumatic tighteners , here we can already set the mechanism to switch off at a set torque.
Tighteners and screwdrivers with spring-loaded release clutch, whether pneumatic or electric.
The highest precision is achieved by Accu or electrically controlled tighteners, here we can already adjust the tightening strategies to achieve the right torque. A key feature is the recording of tightening data including curves.